Nissan's Newest Concept Car Creates the Ideal Office With Everything You Need to Work Anywhere--Including a Herman Miller Chair


2020 completely reshaped how and where we work, creating a global distributed workforce logging in from their couches, dining room tables, and home offices. But there is a new emerging workforce that is moving beyond the local Starbucks and working nomadically from exotic locations that allow them to choose to work from any environment they wish.

Herman Miller has partnered with the automaker Nissan to help nomadic workers travel and work in style. Nissan recently unveiled the 2021 Nissan NV350 Office Pod Concept, a concept car equipped with a full office set up that enables drivers to work from anywhere—all while sitting in a Herman Miller Cosm Chair.

The concept combined the NV350 Caravan, a business van, with the Office Pod, offering the chance to work at a desk wherever you want in accordance with the free working style of the future.

Unfortunately, this is only a concept and as of now Nissan has no plans to actually produce the van with the Office Pod Concept.