This dreamy home office pod lets you work outside all year round


For many of us, working from home through the pandemic hasn’t been ideal: We’ve camped out at dining tables, taken calls in the bathroom, and rearranged our closets to make a decent Zoom backdrop.

But we’re tired of makeshift spaces, and London design studio Boano Prišmontas has heard our cries for help. It’s created a beautiful home office that can be built in your backyard. The pod is called “My Room in the Garden” and you can set it up in any outdoor space, including your driveway, backyard, or garden. The exterior is made from a weatherproof aluminum, while the interior is made from birch, and there are floor-to-ceiling windows to ensure the space is well lit.

Almost every aspect of the design is customizable. The space is built using a modular system of prefabricated units, which means you can arrange the pieces to best take advantage of your space. For instance, if you have a narrow alleyway next to your home, you can create a thin, rectangular space. The smallest unit is around 6 feet by 8 feet, and costs $6,400; the largest starts at $13,600 and lets you add on as many modules as you want. Before ordering, you’d talk with a consultant to help you figure out the specific configuration you need.