Out of office

The electronics giant Fujitsu, which employs 80,000 people in Japan, announced yesterday that it would be halving its office space by 2023, putting it in line with the likes of Sony, Hitachi and Toshiba, which are all reducing their office capacities. A recent government survey revealed that more than a third of Japanese people have now experienced remote working during the coronavirus crisis, something that no amount of employment legislation could have achieved as quickly. 

The survey also showed that nearly a third of Tokyo-based twentysomethings would be interested in working elsewhere in the country, giving hope to policy makers who have been trying to promote the revival of regional economies. Fujitsu is not writing off the office just yet, however. It’s promising an increase in “hub” offices around Japan for the essential business of meeting customers, demonstrating new technology and talking face-to-face. The importance of building relationships in Japanese business won’t disappear anytime soon.