Steelcase launches its first online store in Hong Kong and Singapore

Steelcase has launched online stores in Hong Kong and Singapore. 

The Steelcase online stores offer a wide range of office chairs, desks and accessories to help people working remotely adapt their homes for work, such as personal tables that slide in over a sofa to add a work surface.

As many workers have to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic, the demand for improving their working space has significantly increased. “As we worked to equip their remote teams, we saw an opportunity to make some of our products available to individuals, to improve their work-from-home experience,” said Samantha Giam, director of product marketing at Steelcase Asia Pacific. 

“We wanted to provide a simple way for our customers to access the most ergonomic products and will explore opportunities for further online stores in other cities across the region”, said Maria Bourke, communications director at Steelcase Asia Pacific.

Founded in 1912, the US-based furniture company is globally accessible through a network of channels, including more than 800 retail dealer locations.