5 Workplace Design Trends to Watch in 2020

Here are five workplace trends we expect to be seeing a lot of in 2020:

Supporting a Multi-Generational Workforce
There is a large generational gap to bridge in today’s workforce. While Millennials and Generation Z represent a rapidly growing percentage of the workforce, many Baby Boomers are working longer and Generation X still plays a significant role in the workforce.

Designing for a multi-generational workforce is a way to bring harmony to the office. Different generations tend to expect different things from their workplace, so more companies are embracing designs that offer a palette of place. Diverse spaces support a diverse workforce. 

For example, while younger workers may prefer the flexibility to work where they like, older workers may prefer the consistency of an assigned desk. By including a range of spaces around the office, everyone has the ability to work in the environment that’s best for them. 

Inspired by Nature
If there’s one thing workers of all generations can agree on, it’s that they want to spend time in spaces that remind them of being connected to the world around them. Biophilic design is an office design trend that shows no signs of slowing down in 2020. 

Companies all over the world are turning to nature as a way to support wellness in the workplace. Ample natural lighting, for example, not only helps improve employee wellness, it helps boost productivity. Bringing live plants into a space adds to a calming atmosphere and helps improve air quality in the office. 

While bringing elements of nature indoors offers many benefits, there’s nothing quite like the real thing. If you have access to an outdoor space, outdoor lounges are growing in popularity; making it easy for people to feel like they’re getting away without going away.

Solving the Privacy Crisis
As more and more companies embrace open offices, many workers are experiencing a privacy crisis. While collaboration and social connections are both valuable experiences in the workplace, it’s just as important that people have privacy when they need to focus. A growing number of companies are addressing those concerns by providing more options for privacy, whether it’s by offering desk screens, adding acoustic controls to the office, or by using screens to create focus nooks.

Express Yourself
Who says offices have to be all work and no play? Many companies are choosing to have a little more fun with their spaces by embracing comfort and showcasing their playful side. Resimercial design has been a significant trend in workplace design in recent years, bringing some of the comforts of home into offices around the world. Fun office features like game rooms that invite people to take breaks and socialize during the workday are also growing in popularity. 

Mindful Design
Office design is anything but superficial and these days, many companies are thinking about how their offices can make a bigger impact on the world around them. Sustainable design has become a big priority and that includes the furniture companies choose for their spaces. In the new year, we expect to see a growing demand for furniture made with sustainable materials and fabrics. 

In addition to choosing more environmentally friendly materials for furniture, there is also a growing trend toward choosing high-quality furniture that will have a longer lifespan than less expensive alternatives. Not only does this help keep furniture out of landfills, it gives companies a way to choose pieces that have uniquely crafted touches that bring character to the workplace.