How Data Improves the Employee Experience: Q+A

Today’s Smart + Connected Workplace is more about experiences and less about devices. Technology is acting as our digital concierge or a helpful assistant, providing information to us when we need it. According to Brandon Buckingham, Smart + Connected director for Steelcase, this is a new workplace where technology enables better experiences that allow us to navigate place, time, resources and commitments seamlessly. At the same time, it offers the influencers of how space is used, planned for and acquired detailed information to inform their choices. And, as data is aggregated over time, it provides insights into key workplace issues like culture, innovation and engagement. Buckingham joined 360 to share how this backdrop of technology has evolved in just a few short years.

360: Technology is moving so fast. It seems like what was a promise not so long ago, is now reality. How would you describe the changes you’ve seen in just the last few years?

BB: The emergence of big data, AI, machine learning and IoT — all words that never were really part of our vernacular — are now staples that come up in every conversation around workplace strategy and engagement. There’s always this question as it relates to space in particular: How do we make sure we’re getting the most out of that space? And, how do we take the data that’s there and a workplace enabled with technology to realize better experiences?

With the rise of mobile devices as well as technology infrastructure embedded in the workplace, there’s a wide range of data streams that can help us improve the workplace. It’s so different than what it was just five or six years ago. The challenge is—what do you do with all the data? Where’s the most impactful place to start? Seeing the needs of the customer and the people using the space is the best way to uncover where value can be created with technology and data, and we are focused more than ever on user-centered solutions.